Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!
1. Abyan Bramantyo
2. aghnaia octa hafisha
3. alandra dianti putri
4. E Eldisa Ayu Lestari
5. Ghassani Amalia
6. Chaeruni aulia nusapati
7. M. rachmat fadhil
8. M.Imam alkautsar
9. M.Rifky adi pradana
10. Meutia admiralda andini
11. Nadhyra Maharani putri
12. Alvita Maurizka
13. Salsabil Bilqis Maulida
14. Ratih ayuningtyas
15. raihana putri
16. Rachma anindya pratithasari
17. Sarah naura irbach
18. sarah aliya
19. Naufal aulia aziz
20. Rifa Satria
21. Thariq warsahemas
22. Sevi maulinadya prawita
23. Reine karlina
24. Marsya paramitha
25. Bokap
26. Nyokap
27. Agif (ade)
28. Mba eni (mba gue, nyolot banget)
29. Pa budi
30. Edward cullen
• How did you meet 10?
- pas di grup 1
• What would you do if you had never met 6?
- gak papa juga sih sebenernya
• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
- Bodo amat. Tapi kasian nanti ada yang cemburu
• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
- gua masih normal
• Did you ever like 9?
- hahaha. Siapa yag gak naksir kiki coba? ganteng begitu
• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
- pernah
• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
- hmmm, mereka deket sih
• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
- iya kali
• Describe 8:
- pinter, charming(katanya)
• Do you like 12?
- gue suka sama alvita?
• Tell me something about 17:
- jenius, rengking 1
• What's 7's favorite color?
- mana gua tau. Gak peduli. Ngapain ngursin fadhil
• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
- hah? Aby? Paling kalo lagi dihipnotis. Gile lu. Aby mah soso.
• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
- tadi disekolah
• How do you think 19 feels about you?
- biasa aje
• What languages does 13 speak?
- emang onta bisa ngomong ya? Gak deeeeeeng. Canda bil. Bahasa indonesia
• Who is 2 going out with?
-Gak tau. Pak asdi kali. Huahahaha.canda
• What grade is 16 in?
- 8
• What is 5's favorite music?
- lagu-lagunya mcr gidu deh.
• Would you ever date 3?
- alandra?dia kan udah punya pacar ganteng. Namanya edi gargegi. Yakan ndra?
• Is 11 single?
- iye
• What is 10s last name?
- andini? Gak tau deng.
• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
- ngeng. Fadhil? Serius lo?
• Where does 18 live?
- dimana sar? Gak tau. dirumahnya
• What do you think about 20?
- ganteng
• What is the best thing about 4?
- baik, pinter
• Is 21 hard-working?
- iya kali. Namanya juga torik. Ye gak rik?
• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
- halo ratih
• How did you meet 9?
- smp, aksel 1
• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
- apaan ya?
• Are you going to know 3 forever?
- iya, kali
• How long have you known 26?
- dari lahir. Namanya juga nyokap
• Who is 24?
- teman sekelas
• Are you or did you ever date 28?
- yaenggalah. Masa ngedate sama mbamba? gile
• Do you have a crush on 27?
- itu ade gua lay!
• Would you kiss 25?
- ya gak papa sih. Kan bokap gue
• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
- hug pernah! Waktu si sevi lagi dihipnotis.
• Is 29 your bff?
- enggalah. Itu supir gua
• What do you hate about 23?
- gak ada kok. Ine kan baik. hehe
• What's your relationship with 30?
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posted by Thalia mufida at 6:30 PM
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