gue buka omegle loh! terus terus terus masa gue chat sama "nick jonas". bahaha kocak. nih:
Stranger: Hey
You: hi
Stranger: Its Nick J.
Stranger: im heading to PA now! pretty exciting stuff. dude.
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 16
You: cool
Stranger: if you didnt understand. Im Nick J
Stranger: cough cough, (Jonas)
You: ?
Stranger: I am Nicholas Jerry Jonas
You: very funny
Stranger: you know, a Jonas Brother.
Stranger: Like no Joke. I swear. my brother (Joe) picked his nose on our roaddogs bus today.
You: of course i know jonas brothers
Stranger: Im Nick
You: no you're not
Stranger: Yes, i Am. Dude, im heading to PA now. im playing a show there tomorrow! Ask me anything!
You: nick jonas?
You: really?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: Ask me anything!
You: asik gua chat ama nick jonas
You: you're not nick jonas
Stranger: Yes i am! Ask me anything! i swear! How would i know Joe picked his nose on the bus today!
Stranger: He had like bug eyes when he did it. lol
You: are you sure?
Stranger: Yes!
You: it's impossible
Stranger: How would you know what kind of websites i go on?
You: what do you mean?
Stranger: How is it impossible to be me?
You: so now i'm chatting with nick jonas?
Stranger: Yes, the one and only Nick J
You: it's impossible
Stranger: No really, I am, if you're not going to believe me, I'm not going to waste your time.
You: fine i believe you?
Stranger: Ok then, Im going to let you in on a little secret.
Stranger: I wear briefs.
Stranger: No, Not boxers like Kevin and Joe
You: you're kidding me right?
Stranger: Nope.
You: you're not nick jonas
Stranger: Oh My Gosh! Even Frankie told the whole world last year on TRL.
You: okey okey i believe you
Stranger: Thank You.
Stranger: Eres Mi insperation.
You: ngibul lu dasar
You: eek
dasar ya orang bule gak pinter bohong.
eh briefs apaan sih? serius gua gak ngerti.
udah ah males. babbabababayyyyyyyyy
About Me
nick jonas
tallest women
bored (artinya bosan -,-)
apadeh titlenya.
masa gue liburan gak kemana mana, sedih bgt. siapa yg peduli ya.
mau berenang gak bisa adek gue abis sunat soalnya -,-.
kegiatan paling fun ya ke mall, sama nonton dvd bajakan.
tiap hari gue internetan mulu. posting, blogwalking, blablabla.
kayaknya dulu liburan enak bgt. sampe ada lagunya gitu "libur tlah tiba, libur tlah tiba..."
sekarang liburan kayak orang mati dirumah.
ngapain dong enaknya ah...........
iPhone Template
cuma mau share gak penting. aduh cinta deh gue sama iphone ah. oiya yag diatas itu layout blog loh. cool yac. tapi gue males ganti lagi jadi kalo mau klik. <3
bosan sekali dirumah kawans!
eh akhir2 ini ngerasa gendutan. BAHAHA! abisan gue dirumah kagak ada kerjaan jadinya makan mulu. MASA BERAT GUE SEKARANG 52. yaudah terus kenapa? nyampah bgt sih gue. 52 itu banyak loh GENDUT, haha. tapi bagus deh, gendut itu sehat kawan. dirumah gue kerjaan nya makan ini nih:
1. bubur ayam yang keliling di komplek yang suka bunyi toret2
(gak pake gerobak sih, tapi pake motor. sekarang kan tahun 2009 men!)
2. snack2 kayak chitato gitu2. yum!
enak loh yang rasa keju! promosi -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-
3. good time chocochips cookies

all time favourite!

gue bisa abisin sebungkus sendiri locccccccccccccccccccccccccc!
ini postingan kebanyakan enternya, tau ah pusing