

langsung saja yauwsss

jd sodara ku, si abang soki kan udah lama kepengen bb. teyuuuus, akhirnya dia beli pake duit lebaran. tp hpnya yg lama harus dijual dulu. hpnya yg n82 dibeli sama omah aku. dibelinya 1 koma berapa gitu. nah terus pas aku ol msn aku liat pmnya dia pokoknya nyuruh add pin bb. lalu aku sapa

Aya says: bang udh beli bb ya?
@sokifr says: udah ya

Aya says: javelin?
@sokifr says: gemini
Aya says: ha?
Aya says: emang ada bb gemini?

terus udah gak dibales lg. kirain si soki becanda. kan gue kampungan gak tau bb gemini apaan. pasti si soki mikir ini anak kampungan bgt. terus besoknya kan nyokap ngajak omah sama sama sodara2 makan di palza indonesia. terus gue liat hpnya si soki, ternyata beneran bb gemini, jd dia bukan pake trackball tapi pake trackpad. keren deh 3,3an harganya. ini gambarnya nih:

kita beralih ke cerita omah yaw

jd dulu hpnya si omah nokia 2310

nah pake yg ini aja si omah masih gaptek terus dia gaya2an beli hpnya soki yg n82:

dia makin gaptek. ya akhirnya si soki nulis di kertas langkah2 kalo mau sms sama telpon koccccak jadi gini.

1. pencet tombol putih kanan
2. pencet tengah 2 kali
3. pencet bawah
4. ketik sms
5. pencet ijo
6. pilih kontak
7. pilih done

bahahaha ketawa gua sampe sakit perut.
sudah ya si mommy udah marah2 tuh diedieeee


criss angel lagi

ini orang paling tolol. jangan percaya ya. i adore criss, smooch!


ini film udah lama banget tapi gue baru nonton. ketinggalan jaman banget. udah kayak manusia purba aja (eeeeh ahaha ketawa maksa). gue suka banget. ceritanya bagus. keliatan nya mungkin bokep, tapi kalo kata gue malah gak bokep, standar. jadi cowoknya namanya paulie bleeker, ah cowok idaman -,-. nih nih ceritanya

Sixteen year-old Juno MacGuff is the type of girl that beats to her own drummer, and doesn't really care what others may think of her. She learns that she's pregnant from a one-time sexual encounter with her best friend, Paulie Bleeker. Juno and Paulie like each other, but don't consider themselves to be exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend let alone be ready to be a family complete with child. Although she would rather not be pregnant, Juno is fairly pragmatic about her situation. Although there, Paulie really leaves all the decisions about the baby to Juno. Initially she decides that she will have an abortion, but that's something that she ultimately cannot go through with. So she decides to have the baby and give it up for adoption. But first she has to tell her father, Mac, and stepmother, Bren, that she is pregnant. Although they would have preferred if Juno was on hard drugs or expelled from school, Mac and Bren too are pragmatic about Juno's situation. The next step is to find prospective parents for the yet unborn child. In the Pennysaver ad section, Juno finds Mark and Vanessa Loring, a yuppie couple living in the suburbs. Juno likes the Lorings, and in some respects has found who looks to be a kindred spirit in Mark, with whom she shares a love of grunge music and horror films. Vanessa is a little more uptight and is the one in the relationship seemingly most eager to have a baby. On her own choosing, Juno enters into a closed rather than open adoption contract with the Lorings - meaning she will have no contact with the baby after she gives it up. During the second and third trimesters of Juno's pregnancy which she treats with care but detachment, Juno's relationships with her family, with Paulie, and with the Lorings develop, the latter whose on the surface perfect life masks some hidden problems.


michael cera as paulie bleeker lucu sekali mukanya mirip ___________.


mulai jijik liat blog gue, isinya gak ada yg berguna


for: alandra

masa andra ngerjain orang kejem bgt sampe orang nya putus sama ceweknya parabet kan? gua mah damai damai aja yak ndra kaga ada urusan lagi.



bulan puasa bukan nya pr dikurangin malah tambah banyak bikin pusing mana ulangan bejibun lagi ah sudah dulu ya aku mau belajar dan mengerjakan pr biar pintar biar nilai nya bagus terus lulus smp terus masuk sma 8 amin.



halo sudah lama gak posting. apa kabar?
males buka blog lagi seneng buka youtube liat video criss angel sama justin bieber hehe. hah bingung mau ngomong apa, gak ada kejadian penting.
oiya mau cerita jalan2 ke gading aja ah. tapi males jadi yg penting2 aja yaccc.
1. nonton the proposal. bagus. yg jadi andrew nya ganteng, bukan ganteng, eh gimana ya, gayanya asik.
2. tiba tiba gue dapet. ah sial padahal itu udah jam 4an. bayangin dong jam 4 batal nyesek sekali memang.
3. buat buka beli j.cool sama chaer, terus makan ber2. romantis sekali.
4. abis beli j.cool beli sour sally soalnya laper mata.
7. nyesel beli sour sally 33 ribu. kasihan.

sekian dulu hari ini diedie ("diedie" maksudnya byebye model baru keren gak? keren doong!)

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